Dedicated servers and hosting
Dedicated servers and premium hosting services for online presence
A dedicated server is a physical server in a data center dedicated exclusively to one customer. They are mainly used to host large, high-traffic websites, web applications, and other services where performance is a priority, such as machine learning and virtualization.
Linux hosting is a service for hosting websites that depend on the Linux operating system. Because Linux hosting is fast, has good security, and is suitable for running different programming languages, it is considered one of the best choices for web hosting.

Why ErrorGroup's dedicated servers and hosting services
Dedicated servers and hosting
Iran's dedicated server
Buying Iran’s exclusive server from Errorgroup Ltd provides the best performance for you by creating powerful hardware power and a strong network port, the latest generation of processors, and the use of high-speed and up-to-date SSD and NVMe hard drives, as well as the possibility of installing powerful firewalls. If you have a very high number of visitors from Iran and you also need to use high resources and storage space, Iran’s dedicated server is the best option for you.
Dedicated servers and hosting
United Kingdom dedicated server
The UnitedKingdom dedicated server is hosted in the best and most reliable data center in the UK, Redstation. This server is set up on the KVM virtualization platform. A dedicated server also gives the user more flexibility to configure the system based on specific needs and manage the data hosted on it. Dedicated UK server with powerful hardware and high-speed network port is a suitable service for website hosting, running applications, using PayPal account, and other network services.

Dedicated servers and hosting
France dedicated server
The exclusive France server is hosted in the reliable and popular OVH data center. This server has high stability and uptime and strong hardware. This service is provided in Errorgroup Ltd with 256 IPs. France dedicated server is very suitable for websites that need high RAM, storage space and high CPU resources.
Dedicated servers and hosting
Germany dedicated server
German dedicated server is one of the most popular foreign dedicated servers among Iranians. In this server, it is possible to provide 32 IP addresses. Errorgroup Ltd provides a dedicated German server with the world’s best technologies and SSD storage space and fixed IP. This server is hosted in the famous and wonderful Hetzner data center in Germany and has low ping and high uptime.
Dedicated servers and hosting
Linux host applications
One of the most important uses of Linux hosting is hosting all kinds of sites and websites, including personal websites, blogs, online stores, news agencies, etc. The Linux host is well optimized for running content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento, and provides one-click installation.
Dedicated servers and hosting
Linux host security
In the past, there was a perception that shared services were less secure than dedicated services, but today, with significant advances in cloud computing technology and the use of the latest hardware and software resources, companies like ErrorGroup Ltd have been able to improve the security of Linux cloud hosts to very high levels. . These improvements give users who host their websites on Linux hosts the assurance that their websites are well secured.

Dedicated servers and hosting
Linux hosting speed
Modern Linux hosts are built on the most powerful servers with fast SSD drives and up-to-date processors. This combination of advanced hardware, along with wide bandwidth that in some cases reaches up to 120,000 GB/m, promises high speed in these services.
Dedicated servers and hosting
Linux or Windows host
One of the key advantages of Linux hosting is its excellent compatibility with open source languages and tools such as PHP, MySQL, and Python. These types of hosts are less expensive due to the use of free and open source software.
On the other hand, the Windows host is fully compatible with Microsoft products such as ASP.NET and allows the execution of specific Windows scripts.
ErrorGroup LTD
Get started today!
A dedicated server with the possibility of KVM provides the possibility of easy access, management and remote control of your servers. Choosing the right host is very important. Errorgroup’s Linux host is one of the leading options in Iran, providing a variety of services and superior quality, which can meet your needs well. You can contact us for more information.